Direct debit for the payments

Simplify your payments by using direct debit via a bank (LSV+) or Debit Direct (DD) via PostFinance.

How you benefit:

  • You reduce your administrative burden, because the payments on account are automatically debited from your account on the due date.
  • You don't have to worry about payment deadlines and interest on arrears.
  • You save PostFinance or banking fees, because both LSV and DD are free of charge.
  • You are not taking any risks, because in case of any discrepancies you can reverse a direct debit payment already made within 30 days.
For organisational reasons, LSV and DD can only be used for settling the regular payments on account. No sum of money appears on the paying-in slip, but instead you will see *****.**. The balancing payments for every year of contribution must, on the other hand, be settled using the enclosed paying-in slip.

How do I register for LSV/DD?
You just have to fill in the form below entitled "Debit authorization form Debit Direct / LSV +". Submit the completed form
  • in case of debit authorization for the PostFinance postal account to our compensation office
  • in case of debit authorization for the bank account to the bank.
As soon as the payment deadline is no longer printed on your bill after having been replaced with the remark "In accordance with the authorisation dated [...], we will debit this amount from your bank/PostFinance account No. [...] as of [...]", the invoice total will be automatically debited from the account you specified.

Debit authorization form Debit Direct / LSV +

Viaduktstr. 42
4002 Basle
Telephone 061 285 22 22
Opening hours
Counter / Phone
09:00-11:00 14:00-16:00
Telephone contacts
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